Preview Mode's Deposit Schedule
Payment in full required at this time
Payment by credit card: Upon completion of your registration, your guest profile page includes a link to complete an online credit card payment. Failure to complete the authorization within a 15 minute period will result in automatic deletion of your registration. Your credit card will be processed automatically upon completion of the online payment.
Payment by check: Please submit checks
payable to 'Sports America' to:
Sports America Tours
1700 County Rd, Suite B
Minden, NV 894230
Full payments will be accepted at any time prior to December 1st.
All returned checks are subject to a $25 service charge.
If participating in multiple trips - please provide a separate check for each trip. Providing one check for multiple trips often results in funds being posted incorrectly. Checks can be split among multiple guests per trip.
Trip Sign Ups
Trip sign-ups are restricted to current club members. Registrations are handled in the order they
are received once registration has opened for a trip. Early registration opportunities may be given
to individuals to recognize them for their volunteer efforts in assisting the club. Determinations for
special consideration will be made by Board of Directors of the Schenectady Wintersports Club .
A person is not considered registered on a trip until their completed and signed contract, agreement
to trip policies and procedures, and their initial deposit is received. Trip registrants must keep their
membership current.
The trip is considered closed once all available slots have been filled. In most cases, a waitlist will
be established. Should spaces become available, the waitlist will be used to fill available space on
the trip as appropriate.
Your trip deposit is considered your commitment to participating in the trip and is considered non-
refundable. Any exceptions due to extenuating circumstances will be decided by information provided to the Board of Directors.
Late Payments
We ask all club members to make timely payments. Late payments are problematic for the club
and cause extra work for the trip leader, resort, tour operator, etc. The club may impose a $20 per
payment late fee and will assess to the trip participant any penalties assessed by the travel agent, airline, or resort for late payment.
Trip Packages
The trip is sold as a complete package.
Ski Lift Passes
Ski Lift Passes for those needing day passes can be ordered by registered trip participants and those requests must be made at time of trip registration.
Everyone staying at the lodging property must be a registered person on the trip. It is understood that a credit card will be held by the lodging property for all incidentals or any type of damage. Roommates should designate one individual in each unit who will have the responsibility of providing the credit card for this use. Schenectady Wintersports Club will never be responsible for damages caused by trip members.
Guests of Members
Some club members have friends or relatives at locations to which we travel. A trip participant may
request extra ski lift tickets at a discount rate (if mountain and vendor agree) for a friend/relative
who might live or be at our trip location. At trip functions, if there is space, and payment has been
received in full, friends and relatives are welcome.
Trip Changes
Any deviation of the proposed travels plans during the trip, which can happen due to weather, airline changes, or other situations, will be handled by the trip leader(s) and the club’s Board of Directors, with input from trip members as deemed necessary.
In the event of a safety issue, the recommendation from the transportation company, and/or the lodging property's management will be strongly considered.
The club is not responsible for any trip related expenses in the event of unplanned travel problems or delays. travel insurance is recommended for this reason.
Travel Insurance
It is strongly recommended that trip insurance is purchased.
If you are concerned about winter travel, consider purchasing trip insurance. It is recommended that you verify the coverage and choose the amount of coverage to cover the entire cost of the trip to avoid potential money lost due to an emergency. Travel insurance does not cover all costs. Please read coverage carefully.
Trip Cancellation by the Club
The club intends to run trips that are advertised. However, a trip can be modified or cancelled should there not be the minimum needed to run the original trip or for other extenuating circumstances.
Trip Cost
As a group, we take advantage of reduced fees for travel which we pass onto members. However, trips are often advertised before final airline fees are known. Changes to airline fees, or changes in carriers can happen. Additionally, if we are travelling out of the country, exchange rates can fluctuate before final payments are made resulting in either reductions or increases in the final payment due. Please be aware there can be fluctuations in prices before final payments are due.
Member Responsibility
Remember, the Schenectady Wintersports Club is a nonprofit organization that promotes the activity of skiing, and snowboarding, and is open to any individual. Trip leaders and Board Members are volunteers that contribute many hours to running the club. It is expected that in return, members will conduct themselves in a way that reflects positively on the club.
At any time, an individual can be denied the opportunity to travel with Schenectady Wintersports Club based on items of concern brought to the Board of Directors. Per the by-laws, “Any member may be suspended or expelled for a violation of the by-laws or for conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, is improper or prejudicial to the welfare or reputation of the club.” Further, I realize that skiing and snowboarding, as well as many other outdoor
activities, has innate danger that may result in physical injury or death. I
acknowledge that these risks may be known or unknown. Since safety is directly tied
to my physical ability and skill to participate in any sport, I hereby release the
Schenectady Wintersports Club, its officers, directors, trip leaders and their agents,
from any liability in connection with injuries or physical and equipment damages I
may incur in relation to my participation in any event.
By signing up for a Schenectady Wintersports Club trip you are agreeing to the Policies and Procedures outlined here and
agreeing to allow your image to be used for marketing and recruitment purposes for the Schenectady Wintersports Club.